Archives for August 2019

Changes to the Education inspection framework effective September 2019

Following the detailed consultation conducted by Ofsted, the inspection framework is changing in terms of what focus and emphasis is placed on the learning criteria.

The consultation process started back in June 2017, over 200 engagement events have taken place in a range of forms and the feedback from the events has helped shape the new inspection framework, learn more

Collating and maintaining accurate records is a fundamental requirement for your Ofsted inspection, learn how an ePortfolio can help you achieve Ofsted excellence…

ePortfolio systems are transforming the learning journey for both education providers and learners.  In addition to helping learners achieve their full potential, there are also several benefits for trainers and educators, to include being fully prepared for Ofsted inspections, having accurate records available at the touch of a button.


3 ways an ePortfolio can help to achieve excellence in education delivery: –


1 Monitor the learning journey 


One of the main benefits of ePortfolios compared to more traditional methods is the ability to centralise the entire learning journey, making it accessible to both learners and assessors at any time.

Within a few clicks, it is possible to review:

  • The number of hours assessors are spending with learners
  • Whether any ‘sessions’ have been cancelled and the reason behind this
  • The number of hours of guided learning each learner has received.

With all of this information at hand, progress can be monitored and data can be mined and extrapolated to show overall levels of attainment and performance.


2 Manage performance 


Rather than wait until end of year assessments, assessors are able to logon to a digital portfolio at any point during the course of the learning programme and review the learner’s progress. Should a learner be falling behind or if attainment is lower than expected, assessors can investigate and intervene with a view to getting the learner back on track.


3 Quality of teaching 


The nature of vocational training and further education courses often place a greater emphasis on learner’s managing their own workload and the amount of face to face contact is therefore relatively small. This can make it difficult to demonstrate the quality of teaching being delivered. With an ePortfolio system, it is possible to contact and interact with learners remotely and record those interactions, helping you deliver and evidence outstanding teaching and learning.


Interested in learning more about the changes and how an ePortfolio can help you? Contact Paul today to book a free no obligation demonstration of the Quals Direct system.